This is the blog of the TELL2 Pontian Cluster mentors and teachers

This is the blog of the TELL2 Pontian Cluster mentors and teachers
Welcome to TELL2 brought to you by Brighton Education Group

Monday, 25 May 2015

May: Teacher Appreciation Day, SK Rimba Terjun, Pontian.

The Rimba GB & teachers imitated students by dressing in elementary style school uniforms. The line of teachers marched through a gauntlet of mad drummers as the local boys were beating an exciting rhythm for the introduction of the teachers in the ambience of this carnival atmosphere where the crowd cheered, enthusi

astically for each individual.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom

The classroom is full of different types of people with different abilities, interests, hobbies & aptitudes.

The "chalk & talk" method of instruction may be a great method of instruction for a handful of students, however to the detriment of those who just do not learn this way. 

The theory of multiple intelligences was developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University. It suggests that the traditional notion of intelligence, based on I.Q. testing, is far too limited.

Gardner proposed rather that there are 9 different types of intelligence or aptitude.

Let's use this model to inspire our lesson plans?

An easy way to ensure that all types of intelligence are catered for is to add something into every lesson plan that will appeal to each of the 9 types of intelligences. 

Not only will this ensure your lesson plans are jam packed full of fun and interesting things, but it will also appeal in some way to atleast every student in the classroom. 

One of my teachers in Pontian Bandar cluster has taken this on as a challenge in his lessons. His lessons have drastically improved in content, in the students listening skills, general involvement, as well as making his job easier for him because he follows the same method every time.

Let's look at each of the 9 Intelligences and consider ways to include these in a lesson plan:

Try to include music, a rhyme, or clapping out rhythms in your lesson.
Music is the Teacher's magic. If a teacher uses music or rhythm to teach something, it is almost certain that the students will be unable to help themselves for singing or humming the same tune long after the lesson is over. In this way, the lesson is reinforced constantly long after the bell has rung. 
Try it; choose any lexical set, add a rhythm to the sequence in which you teach them, repeat this with the students involved. Practice & repeat. IF you walk around at recess, you will hear students singing the rhythm with their friends.  

Pictures speak more than words. This is so true in lessons. To get attention, to teach anything in English, having some pictures to describe the words is incredibly powerful. You will have students attention by providing something for them to look at. 

Organizing pictures or concepts into an organization chart, so that students have a visual map of the concept in their heads is a powerful teaching-learning tool, as well as assisting in long term memory retention.

Movement, acting, myme, and dramatizing not only releases energy, but also helps students to refocus. 

Focusing on the self is one definite way to get students involved in a lesson. Ask them to make a family tree and present their family tree to the class. Ask them how they feel, or get them to keep a diary of picture feelings for a week. Students who feel personally involved will have more motivation, will develop personally & will appreciate having to think about themselves. Imagine giving them the vocabulary to express their feelings in English!  

Group work, team work, pair work, class work, individual work are all ways of interacting in the classroom. Mixing students up with different groups each time will create an inclusive atmosphere where everyone gets along well. Remember some students are introverted and do not enjoy group work at all. These students should not have to work in a group if they do not want to. However, everyone can learn something from cooperation and collaboration in the classroom.

Recycling, a classroom pet/plant are ways to encourage students to consider nature in the classroom. Often overlooked however possibly this is the most important lesson teachers can be teaching students today, is to take care of their environment! 

Speaking! Every piece of work should involve speaking about it in English. Let a handful of students present their work to the class at the end of each lesson. Those who present should receive honor and reward. These students should act as role models to the others who hopefully will endeavor to present their work in another lesson. 

Questions such as "how many?" are easy to add to any lessons. "How many fruits can you see?", for example. Followed by counting out in English.

Using English Math Jargon such as, "plus, minus, take away, equals", etc. is important for students to hear and see.

Why not use a point system to control behaviour and at the end of each lesson, let the teams verbally count up the points, deduct the negative points and total the sums of each team? 

If all these 9 intelligences are used in every lesson, the lesson is bound to be really fun, really interactive, and memorable. 

A big thank you and congratulations to Ibrahim Teacher who is using this idea to punk up his lessons! His lessons are so much fun, so interactive, and full of music and movement. The lessons fly be so quickly and the students appear to be really thriving on the changes he has made. 

Monday, 18 May 2015

HOTS Workshop at SK Seri Saujana in Kota Tinggi area

At the end of April I was honored to be invited to organize a workshop on how to bring HOTS type activities into the Malaysian English Classrooms.  The Kota Tinggi PPD requested I make a presentation to assist in this.

I had prepared a presentation on 21st Century style lesson planning, but I felt this didn't cover what was being requested of me, so I redid the presentation to focus more on how to create activities for HOTS style lessons.

I started off with some theory on teaching styles to incorporate HOTS in the classroom.  I used Brighton Educations PAL project to demonstrate how lessons need to be student centered in order to facilitate HOTS in the classroom.
an example of PAL in the classroom
After this I moved on to define HOTS and how it benefits the students and why the schools are trying to implement it in schools.  The benefits to students is large and will allow more independence and hopefully a more balanced and higher grade score for the students.

The teachers that attended the workshop were all very willing to participate and have fun, much like the students will.

After the theory I introduced two games that the teachers could use for vocabulary (Hot seat game) and a more general vocabulary game (treasure hunt).  Both these games require the students to use vocabulary not related to the direct lesson forcing them to think about English as opposed to just repeating things they have heard in the past.

Once they had a couple of examples of HOTS games it was time for them to create thier own game.  We did this first as one big group.  After this was done we broke up into smaller groups to create even more games that could be taken to their schools.  When the games were completed they had to present to the group.

Guess the sentence from the picture

All the games were great and with only a little assistance they could understand the difference between a HOTS game and a regular game that's been used in the past.

This was a very rewarding experience for me and I hope everyone went home with the ability to create their own games in the future.

The Month of May

The month of May has flown by at super sonic speed.  There has been a lot going on this month with the long weekend and Teacher Day, exams and the coming long break.

writing poems for yr5

The kids were working hard as usual at all the schools in Pekan Nanas area.  Writing poems for writing exercises was fun and an interesting way to see how well developed their vocabulary had become.  Most of them were very creative, which is encouraging to see.

Many teachers are putting up posters in the classroom in line with the 21st Century Classroom style.

Students often ask me this question so they can put my pin on the proper emotion.
Some of the teachers in Pekan Nanas are becoming comfortable with the new teaching techniques.  Here we have a reading lesson and the teacher has tried to use the Brighton Education P.A.L. method for assisting the struggling students.  I think they enjoyed the lesson and different style of learning.  
Less pressure to learn, therefor easier to learn

On May 17th, most schools celebrated Teacher Day with games, awards and gifts. 
water balloon toss

Hook the can game

coconut bowling

And then it was the students turn.
ball between the legs relay

everyone got a clock
May was great month to be a teacher in Malaysia.  The students gave away many gifts to all the teachers.  It was a beautiful sight to see.  Hopefully the excitement and appreciation continues throughout the year and everyone succeeds in their goals.  Exams are still going on at many schools.

Now it's off for a two week holiday.  :)