This is the blog of the TELL2 Pontian Cluster mentors and teachers

This is the blog of the TELL2 Pontian Cluster mentors and teachers
Welcome to TELL2 brought to you by Brighton Education Group

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Often they say to me, "Teach me how to be a better teacher..." I respond, "What's your ideal cake?"

I want you to show me how to be a better teacher...

After 40 years as a teacher Gary McAdams reaches his goal - to bore a student to death.

Often in the Pontian Bandar teachers will say to me that I must show them how to be a better teacher. 

There is a problem with this question for me in that I believe only they can discover for themselves how to be a better teachers. 

It is like if we bake a cake. You may choose to bake such-n-such, whereas I choose to bake another. I believe carrot cake with cream-cheese icing and walnuts scattered on top is best. I like mine soft and moist. This is the best for sure! But you argue that chocolate cake is the cake of all cakes. You prefer chocolate icing dripping from the top, and M&M's to top it off. Who am I to disagree? We would have to bake them both, taste them both, and see. Depending on the occasion might also determine the cake. 

Further, I would suggest that striving for just better is boring! Why not strive to be the very best? It is more exciting & more fun!

Challenge yourself!

Let's start with what you personally think about good teaching. What do you believe makes for an incredibly fun & effective lesson? How much are you prepared to put in to make it brilliant? Think about your ideal cake. What would you put in to make it the most delicious cake ever?

Thinking and deciding what is fun & effective will save you heaps of time when you actually plan content. So long as you put what you truthfully believe into action, you will save time. I promise! 

Telling someone what I think is a good teacher may be good to me. But I am not the teacher in their class... only they can fill their own gaps.

In order to refresh our lesson designs, it is important to make a distinction between a teaching cockroach, methods & techniques.

Did I say "a teaching cockroach"?!! I meant:

A Teaching Approach!

A teaching approach is an underlying set of beliefs held by the teacher about the conditions necessary for language learning to take place effectively. 

An approach answers the following questions:

1) What do you believe is the ideal cake?

2) What conditions should exist to bake the perfect cake and effective tasting to take place?

Oops! It is Hari Raya & I am thinking about cake! Apologies! But the approach is like the cake. What cake do you think is best & why. 

An approach answers the following questions:

1) What do you believe the ideal classroom is about? 

2) What conditions should exist in the ideal classroom in order for effective learning to take place?

Details on this topic include things like:

How does effective learning occur?
Which is more successful: students learning rules in parrot fashion, or students who learn by using higher order thinking skills? How does this differ when teaching different skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking?

How do students learn? What motivates learning? What level are the students at? What level should the new work be set at to achieve a learning gap, in order for effective knowledge acquisition to occur?

Look at the items below and decide what items you believe leads to better learning:

a positive & happy atmosphere leads to effective learning

Negative & stressful atmospheres lead to effective learning

Students feel confident to try speak English without fear of correction & mistakes

Students cannot speak English and the teacher never encourages it

Student feel that English is the most interesting lesson in school

Students know that English is very boring.

Students feel personally included in lessons, and that they are personally an important part of every lesson

Motivation comes from spelling out words

Motivation comes from repeating the same vocabulary over and over again, every year the same words for the same topic.

Motivation comes from not understanding anything in English

Motivation comes from believing I can speak English

Motivation comes from teachers who smile

Motivation comes from teachers who frown and let me do what I want

Motivation comes from teachers who encourage games

Motivation to understand English comes from teachers who speak Bahasa/Mandarin

Motivation to speak English is not important for learning to take place

Motivation to speak English comes from being corrected every time I speak, write, read

Students learn best when they are not involved
Students learn best when they are bored or sleeping or writing lessons

Students learn best when they know there is a reward

Students learn best when there is a fun reason to learn something

Students learn more when they feel confident and free of judgement

Students have most fun during spelling

Students have most fun during games

Students have the most fun when singing, dancing & moving

Students enjoy listening to the teacher more than speaking themselves

Students enjoy speaking to their friends more than listening to the teacher.

Students learn most when they do activities that they do not understand.

Students learn most when they do activities where they already understand everything.

Student learn most when they understand a lot, but have to think to complete the gaps in what they do not understand

 Students find activities comfortably challenging and they learn new things.

On a piece of paper jot down what you think the ideal approach and conditions for learning are. When you are finished, decide if you are putting your beliefs into action when you really do teach. Are you practicing what you preach?

Are you teaching the way you believe is most effective? Or have you turned simple lessons into hours of monotonous redundancy?

Method: perfect ingredients to bake your cake

Methods follow from your approach.  Often teachers have a mental picture of what an ideal teaching-learning environment should be like & how learning takes place. Do you have the correct ingredients to make your approach a reality?

If you are not having fun teaching, then chances are that the students aren't either. Time to gather fun ingredients for your lessons!
Take a moment to jot down on a piece of paper the methods that would be useful in helping you follow your approach.

For example: flashcards, pictures, board games, cards, animals, realia, classroom posters, computer, music system, types of resources, materials, pictures, activities, group/pair/individual work etc. 

Take the time to consider the following questions:

Postive/ Negative / Neutral
The teacher is funny! I like listening & watching!

The teacher speaks English only but there is a wall chart that helps me understand what she is saying in my own language.

The teacher is entertaining. I love to watch & listen.

So many pictures, flashcards and the teacher makes these fun.

I never sit in the same desk for long.

I always sit in the same desk for every lesson in this room, including English. I never move.

The teacher looks interested in what he/she is teaching.

The teacher does not seem interested in English and does not speak English either.

We spell words over and over and over again. I do not know anything but the alphabet.

My teacher speaks English in a game, then my friends speak English in the game, then I must speak English in the game. We get rewards.

I am leading! My teacher & friends are watching!

I get rewarded every time I speak English or do something good.

Every time I do my work, I have many red crosses and corrections. I get it wrong. I am bad at English.

My teacher plays games, music, sings & dances.

My teacher has lots of pictures.

We play lots of games. I learn lots in the games because it is fun. There are winners and the winners get a very nice prize!

We play lots of games in the class but I learn nothing. They are not exciting. The prize is boring anyway. I already know this stuff, we did it last year, and the year before.

Lessons are fun, fast & exciting.

In English we spell words for 30 minutes then look in our textbook and I copy the answers from my friends.

In English we do short quizzes, and I am not allowed to copy. I really have to think on my own.

I expect lessons to be slow & monotonous, and I sit in my desk, and the teacher talks and talks and we spell words.

English is the most fun lesson at school.

My teacher helps me understand English but always challenged me to try figure things out on my own. I feel I can try. I get rewarded when I do, and when I don't understand we repeat the games again!

I have so much fun in the English class that I look I want to do my best.

Techniques: step-by-step recipe for the perfect cake

Did I say "cake"? I mean "lesson"!

Techniques are like the steps in a recipe. Techniques embody the “tricks”, the strategies, the “spelling out” or "sequence of logical steps" to achieve the goals. Techniques spell out how you will implement the methods. These techniques are in line with the methods and approach.
How far are you willing to go to bake the perfect cake?

A good way to judge one’s own teaching ability is to imagine being in one’s own lesson. Would you enjoy watching & listening to yourself teach? Why/ why not? What would you enjoy most about your lessons & what would you least like and why? Would you learn anything at all? Would you like to sit an exam afterwards on what you had learned? Did the teacher prepare you to achieve success?

Was the lesson too easy?
Did you already know everything in the lesson so that you felt zero challenge at all?
Was it slightly challenging so that you had to think, and enjoyed thinking?
How long did you have to sit still before there was a change in the lesson to wake you up?
It will be fun! I promise ;)

Below is a check-box. Tick the activities you would enjoy in a lesson from the list below.

Yes, I would enjoy this!
Spelling words out for 40 minutes

Singing & dancing & music

Variety in activities so I don't sit still for long

An activity in the textbook for 1 hour.

Speaking to my friends & getting rewards for it

Playing games 

Running and jumping and acting things out

High pressure – lots of stress, corrections, mistakes

Low pressure – no stress, the teacher only rewards the positive things that I can say in English

Getting things right

Getting things wrong

Being taught a rule

Doing a puzzle & discovering a rule

A smiling teacher

Having fun

Being entertained

Pretending to listen but actually writing letter to my friend because the lesson is so boring.

The teacher never smiles

Slow lessons

Having the chance to get lots of rewards

Exciting lessons

A teacher who makes me feel special

The teacher never looks at me and lets me do whatever I like.

Feeling good at English

The only word I can say out loud is “hello”. I feel shy.

The teacher cares what I do, & really wants me to learn because I am clever.

I can say many words because I get rewards in class for doing so. I have practice. I can say sentences in English. I feel confident.

Happy teaching & learning! May you teach as you wish to be taught and continuously strive to learn new things each day. 

It's a piece of cake!

Sunday, 26 July 2015

July in Pontian

In Pontian, SJK Pei Chun II has frequent athletic competitions, and in July the excitement peaked for the finals of the Table Tennis Tournament. The boys and girls there fought hard to reach the finals but only one student in each group could be the winner. Congratulations go out to the champions at this elementary school.

July in Pekan Nanas

July was Ramadan month and it was also very hot!  I was very impressed with how the teachers and students handled the unusual heat while fasting everyday.

At SJKC Yu Ming 2 they made fruit salad during the lesson using English to teach the instructions.  It was very tasty. 
We also did some recycling activities with the yr 3's.  They made signs to put on their garbage cans at home.
At SK Melayu Raya the yr1 teacher, Natasha, always practices phonics at the start of every class.  It looks like fun.
On the last day before Hari Raya break they had an English day at SK Parit Selangor.  I gave the yr6's a spelling test.  They did very good.
This final day before the break was also a time to hand out awards to the students.
Ramadan is always a difficult time and with the exceptionally hot month this year it was not any easier.  All the students and teachers did really well, managing to give high quality lessons and maintaining a positive demeanor the whole time.  The students had fun activities to do and were able to continue learning English.  It was a good month.  I hope everyone had a good time.

Selamat Hari Raya Adilfitri

Until next month, have a good one!