This is the blog of the TELL2 Pontian Cluster mentors and teachers

This is the blog of the TELL2 Pontian Cluster mentors and teachers
Welcome to TELL2 brought to you by Brighton Education Group

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Welcome to the Pontian Cluster Blog

Welcome to the Pontian Cluster Blog

ELC Jason Trudel taking a selfie with students from SK Parit Selangor

I am Jason Trudel.  I am the English Language Coordinator (ELC) for the Pontian area.  Also working in the area are English Language Professionals (ELP) Robynne Clayton (Bandar area) and John Sanders (Kukup area).

Over the next nine months  this will be the place to find out what is going on in the TELL 2 project schools of the area.  We will be helping to improve the quality of English lessons in the schools as well as doing other projects in the area.  Some possible ideas are a spelling bee and weekly English lessons, a 21st century classroom seminar, English Language Centers and Spaces created in the schools and hopefully many other fun and interesting activities for the students in the area.

Let's all work together to improve the quality of life and lessons in Pontian.

A couple of sports days from last school year

Long Jump at SK Parit Selangor

Sprints at SK Parit Selangor

Having lots of fun :)

Sports Day Opening Ceremony at SK Pengkalan Raja


A lot of prizes to give out today

We are the Champions

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